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Contact Us


General Enquiries

If you have a question about RLS, please visit the Health Unlocked RLS discussion forum first. We prefer to answer questions via the forum as we are a small charity of volunteers, and it allows us to help as many people as possible who may have similar enquiries. If you have a standard question e.g., about types of RLS medications, please look at our website and/or the forum where you will find lots of answers.


If you still wish to contact us, please complete the form below. We try to respond to all enquiries within three days. Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to messages that do not have all of the required details, including a phone number.

Specific Enquiries

If you have a specific query and would like to contact us via email, please do so via the following addresses:

General enquiries:

Chairman contact:


Our Address

RLS-UK Membership, PO Box 11084, Grantham, NG31 0LN

Post: If writing to us for information, please include a large SAE.

Thanks for submitting!

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