Our Annual General Meeting
Our Mission
RLS-UK was set up as a support group almost twenty years ago, to provide advice and support to people living with Restless Legs Syndrome. Today we are a registered charity but we still operate as a team of volunteers and we receive no government funding. Our mission is to raise awareness of RLS; to provide information and support to those living with RLS; and to improve the quality of RLS care in the UK.
Our AGM (Annual General Meeting) is held early in October each year, usually on a Saturday and in London. Our previous AGM's have brought together medical practitioners, international RLS specialists, European advocates and those living with RLS, and provides attendees an opportunity to hear about our activities and the latest RLS developments.
Our AGM is open to everyone but is primarily focused on our members, who vote on many of the issues critical to the continued successful operation of our charity.
Invitations to our AGM are sent to members. If you are not a member of RLS-UK and would like to attend, please email debbie.membership.rlsuk@btinternet.com for more details.